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Crime at the Coast: A SW Crime Writers' Convention

calendar27th Nov 2022, 9:15 am

Crime Writers Association (South West) in collaboration with Torquay Museum present ‘Crime at the Coast: A SW Crime Writers' Convention’.

Do you want to get into the minds of crime writers (and is that a safe pursuit)? Here is a fantastic opportunity to get face-to-face with 12 published SW Crime writers. With four fascinating panel sessions throughout the day where the authors will be put on the spot to explain elements of the ‘dark art’ of crime writing. There will be opportunities throughout the day to ask questions, meet the authors and have books signed.

Panelists include Elizabeth Ducie, S.M. Hardy, K.J. Maitland, Stephanie Austin, Sam Carrington, Helena Dixon, Jane Corry, Margaret Barnes, Michael Jecks and Richard Handy.

  • Half-day, full-day and lunch options are available.
  • Tickets must be booked in advance

    Morning Session - £12.00
    Afternoon Session - £12.00
    All Day - £18.00
    All Day + Buffet Lunch - £25.50
Time Event
9.15 Doors Open, Meet & Greet
9.45 Session 1: Homicide with Hugs and Mystic Murders (Defining Genres)
10.45 Break
11.15 Session 2: Reverend Green in the Rectory and Miss Scarlet in the Library (The Importance of Setting and Location)
12.15 Lunch, Book Sales/Signings
1.45 Session 3: Friends, Roman, Countrymen - Lend Me Your Silencer (Historical Crime - Getting it Right)
2.45 Break, Tea & Coffee, Book Sales/Signings
3.15 Session 4: The Dark Art of Publishing, How We Did It
4.15 Closing Break, Sales / Book Signings
5.15 End

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